I am an Office Worker.

Life Before Covid19

It is the last day of my office. Received tons of gifts from my co-workers and my ex-employees. I am relieved after quitting this job. It was sort of my gift to myself. I have been practicing guitar all winter and I really hope to do something with that talent. I played at my friend’s wedding, even worked on new tunes.

I did not give that reason. In fact, I have said that I wanted to grow and fulfill my destiny, to become a manager or company head. Also, I was tired of this hopeless cycle of getting up, going to office & comeback. Doing this over and over again is kind of pissing me off, so I had to take a break.

I started this journey being way behind compared to my peers. They knew what they wanted. One of them actually started doing standup and I am 26 years old not knowing what to do. When am I going to feel the need to do something with my talent? Turns out I was not talented. I was hopelessly applying for jobs for 2 straight years in IT companies with no luck.

Needless to say, during that time I was drinking for a while. In fact, because of that, I am still alive. Alcohol used to motivate me. Making my parents proud or earning for myself or self-growth was out of the question. I did things that I am not proud of. I suffered a lot because of that and the only takeaway was that “Never try to be perfect” because no matter what you do, you’ll always be wrong.

I am very untrustworthy because back when I was in my early twenties, I used to think that the world is simple. The only person who can understand the world would be me!  I was a failure from the beginning I was dropout completed my degree in 6 years. The company which I left so happily was the only achievement of my life. Things have changed and I came across guitar tuition and wanted to give it a shot! I worked on my guitar lessons. I was getting good at it. Never felt more alive than ever. Playing for almost every night gave me a good night's sleep and gave my wife the worst nightmare. But she was angrier about me leaving a job all of a sudden. I didn't even ask her permission. Nor did I ever had a conversation about quitting.

In February month, I was serving my notice period and it’s hilarious to think that what a horrible mistake I made. Because, at that time, I was glad because “Shaadi Season is starting.” I am going to make a lot of money. Everything is going to be fine now…

To be Continue…


  1. Interesting.. mysteries begins... Great..

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